Sunday, 20 March 2011

My Art: Jesus Cross

Praise Him in the height,to the Lord who created us . This cross was inspired by me in my concept style(26/2/2011) . I really do believe tht He who love us 1st . Actually,nothing is special about this picture accept my pride . My pride to Him are very high during this moment & i can feel it in my deep heart . So, i've done this Cross of Jesus Christ . A really wonderfully cross of Him(our savior) .

Jesus Culture
Your Love Never Fails lyrics
Nothing can separate
Even if I ran away
Your love never fails

I know I still make mistakes
But You have new mercies for me everyday
Your love never fails

You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning

And when the oceans rage
I don't have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails

Verse 2:
The wind is strong and the water's deep
But I'm not alone in these open seas
Cause Your love never fails

The chasm is far too wide
I never thought I'd reach the other side
But Your love never fails


You make all things work together for my good

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Without Them I'm Nothing

Without them i'm nothing . This is my teacher & mate tht alwy be with me & never leave me alone especially when i need them . The teacher are Mr. Ismail Hameed , our SMK Marudi PK Hal Ehwal Murid . Mr Ismail teach us Bahasa Malaysia sbjct & very sporting teacher i've ever meet . Left side are Clement,right side are Flona . Thank you all coz make my life meaningfull & full fill my life with joy :) . 

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My Marudian Best Frenz

This is the list of my bez frenz from Smk Marudi  . The first guy is Clement aka Ment & the 2nd guy r Amirul aka Mirul . We r the member of school magazine club . The bez thing about us is,we alwy hang out at night . Sometime we go to Amirul house,wht more to do at Amirul home if not juz to playing playstation 2 ;) . If not,we hangging at restaurant to full fill our stomach . hehe . Usually,i rather go to Amirul house to teach him to play guitar :) . Eh,me & Amirul share the same fevret song genre,we two reli like Hip-Hop & RnB music while Clement like rock genre . What more i can say?? . Our frenship cannot be measure,i juz can say that we r more than that . It's reli hard to describe about us,we r frenz 4ever . Kinda miss u two guys :) ,especially our classmate 5Science1 Smk Marudi 2010 . I reli miss u all mate :) .

Some SweetLyric for u two guys,hope u like it .

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to say but you're so far away.

Plans of what our futures hold
Foolish lies of growin' old
It seems we're so invincible, the truth is so cold.

A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find a place in my mind

Where you can say,
You can stay awake forever.
  • \m/(",)
  • miss u guys .
  • GBU ~ll

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Who is She Part 1

This is my nieces,kinda nauty girl sometime ;). Jelez dia tgk blog ne,ssb tu dia mau jual pic dia jga kt sni . Pa bleh bwat kan,sy msuk sjala . haha . Nama dia Karen dia pnggil sy Uncle Wen . Trasa plak sy,mcm dah tua sy klu dia pnggil mcmtu . Time kt marudi dulu,sy sllu la pergi umh dia . Tpi bkn utk pikat my nieces la,juz buang borink2 klu prgi jln umh meka . hehe ;) . Ouh,hritu sy terserempak dgn dia kt Gua Longhouse Homestay,Bakam . Teyy,pama la malu itu budak(nieces) . Tgur Uncle dia ne pun xda,mkn sja kja dia . Anywhere,sy rindu btol ngn family dia,kmi nie kzn mazen rapat & sllu jumpa meka time cuti kt kpg . Ehe,klu mau add dia kt fB juz type Karen Lahung .

Who is She Part 2

yeerrr,ada dia kluar kt blog sy ;) . Bkn apa,dia ne la yg paksa sy update blog lama sy . Tpi sy mls ngn blog lama sy,so sy bwat la blog baru ne . Nama dia ne Ninot,sy pnggil Ninot sja la . Itu nick name dia . Kmi dua dh lama geng,time sy pindah bulan 6/2010 di Smk Lutong hritu dah jdi geng2 kt skul . Kmi dua sma mbil sbjct pure  scn juga,sama2 pndai sy rsa . Hahaha :) . Anywhere,atas pksaan dia la sy tergerak bwat blog ne,boleh la tahan blog baru nie (psstt : puji diri sndri)haha . Kmi dua kwn biasa sja,no connection keyh :) . Old days frenz ktakan . Fb dia ialah bernama Christina Ribuh, klu ada hati tu jgn lpa add dia :P .

Friday, 25 February 2011

Empty Love Letter

This is my story of an empty love letter . Before this I can stand as a single boyz for about 17 yrs . But one day,someone had stole my heart away . 28 January is the day I know her & i'll not 4get tht day . Damn,I reli cannot 4get tht days . Dont think im a Jiwang person,i'm not oke~ . Being love to someone is the basic thing in our life,dont make any fake gossip coz actually u r pointing at yourselves . Be positive(+) . Her name is K**** .  No need to know her full nme k,u will know who im talking about ;) . I reli love her & I do care so much about her . She's a caring person & sometime funny . Wht else ouh :) . Ouh,juz 4get about something ;P . Before this,she alwy call me " Syg Buyai"(kelabit)  . Don't know from where she learn tht weird words,myb me myself teach her :). I reli 4got liaoo~ .  But we r no longer as a couple,myb she's not my real lover & myb she think the same thing as I do or we r not prepare enough . Lastly,we separate to our own ways without any anger in our feeling . I accept it,I know God is great all the time & alwy with us . Juz believe Him,and you will receive wtever you ask in your prayer . Now,we juz only as a frenz . Not more yah,juz a frenz :) .Sometime we texting to each other,but not to often . It's reli hard to 4get her,but i must . Actually,im so happy coz we r still as a frenz until know :P .

Some SweetLyric i want to say to u my frenz(K****)  ;)

These are my words 
That I’ve never said before 
I think I’m doing ok 
And this is the smile 
That I’ve never shown before 

Somebody shake me 
Cause I, I must be sleeping 

I'm so afraid of waking 
Please don't shake me 
Afraid of waking 
Please don't shake me 

  • We juz as a frenz now , not more than tht^^,
  • Im happy coz u happy there :)
  • Cheers up 4 u \m/(",)
  • GBU n ur family .

Fevret Music ;)

Saya minat btol dgn Cristian & Gospel songs <3Aba bberapa jnis Christian & Gospel genre dlm Christian & Gospel songs . Antara genre yg sy suka :

  • Christian & Gospel
    • CCM
    • Christian Metal
    • Christian Pop
    • Christian Rap
    • Christian Rock
    • Classic Christian
    • Contemporary Gospel
    • Gospel
    • Christian & Gospel
    • Praise & Worship
    • Southern Gospel
    • Traditional Gospel
Sometimes,sy layan juga lagu rock . Ckit sja la Rock genre yg sy biasanya layan . Antara genre yg sy suka :
  • Rock
    • Adult Alternative
    • Jams Band
    • Psychedelic
    • Pop Rock
    • Punk Rock
    • Alternative Rock

My New Blog

Nothing is intresting actually . Pasal edit2 blog nie dah lama sy tau . Tpi blog baru nie special bwat geng2 n kawan2 music ;) . Yg bwat blog baru nie special ckit coz background layout tu buat sy cair . Haiya,boleh la tahan . Klu borink2 nti sy tukar lgi . Apa2 pun,blog ne juz for musician fanatic sja . Klu km rsa xda minat,bleh angkat kaki dan beredar . Blahh;)~ 
~ pic background layout nie yg bwat sy cair,nice dehhh ;)